Stealthphone Crypto E-mail
Nowadays criminals can purchase a high performance PC with a processor capable of running more than 56 billion operations per second. Such technical capabilities will allow hackers to break into almost all e-mails by 2015.
By now, cybercriminals have hacked more than 40 million e-mail addresses.
Stealthphone system subscribers can send encrypted mail, sending and receiving it on their mobile devices as well as personal computers. E-mails, sent by Stealthphone clients, go through the server in an encrypted form. Administrators of post servers can not know the content of e-mails as only Stealthphone subscribers have the encryption keys.
Work with mail on a personal computer.
Stealthphone Email plug-In for Microsoft Outlook must be installed at the subscriber’s computer in order to work with encrypted mail. This solution helps to align cryptographic keys of the encryption device and Stealthphone users’ emails. Encryption of incoming and out coming mail is executed by Stealthphone Hard hardware encryption device, connected to PC via a USB port.
- Military-grade encryption of e-mails and attachments (any type of file and multimedia information) with Stealthphone Hard hardware encryption device.
- Compatible with e-mail clients embedded in Stealthphone Sec and Stealthphone Soft
- Easy to install and use
The Stealthphone Crypto e-mail solution includes:
- Stealthphone Hard hardware encryption device
- Driver for hardware encryption device Stealthphone Hard
- Stealthphone MS Outlook Plug-In
Work with mail on a mobile device
In order to encrypt mails on a mobile phone, it’s possible to use both software (Stealthphone Soft application) and hardware-software (Stealthphone Sec application and Stealthphone Hard hardware encryption device) means. Mobility of the solution is accompanied by a high level of cryptographic endurance. Letters and attachments are stored in the memory of a mobile device in an encrypted form which gives protection form data theft or tampering attempts.